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  • Many companies falsely claim to background check employees
  • Many companies perform incomplete background checks
  • Anyone can have employee badges made
  • Anyone can email a photo of their employee

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The Seal of Security and Confidence provides Peace of Mind
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Tenant Screening

AsktheSeal.com performs employment background checks.
Here's a link to SafeRent, the leading tenant screening company.

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Why Ask the Seal?
  • Many companies who claim to be licensed, insured and bonded are not.
  • Many companies who claim to perform criminal background checks on their employees do not.
  • If you hire an unlicensed company and an employee hurts themselves on your property or your property is damaged, your insurance company may deny the claim leaving you holding the bag.
  • You can be fined up to $5,000 for hiring an unlicensed contractor whether you knew it or not.
  • Many criminals use their employment to find their next victim.
  • Every day companies large and small introduce dangerous felons into unsuspecting consumers lives.
  • Many consumers think they are safe if someone is home with them when the service person is there. In fact, many crimes are committed up to six months after the service call.
How is the Seal Different?
  • Ask the Seal.com is free to consumers.
  • Ask the Seal.com does not require you to enter any personal information.
  • Ask the Seal.com performs criminal and sex offender checks on not just the owner but also the employees who interact with your family.
  • Ask the Seal.com actually performs the background checks rather than just taking someone’s word for it.
  • Companies with the Seal of Approval can email you an employee photo and proof of background check(SEAL-MAIL) so you know who you are opening your door for.
  • Employees are issued photo IDs confirming their background check
How Does the Seal Protect Me?
State License Lookup?

It is your responsibility to determine if a company needs a specific license for your specific job. AsktheSeal.com verifies and displays licenses. Click below for helpful links to research license requirements by state.

Professional Licensing Websites by State

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